Monday, October 3, 2011

About Righteousness

This is a very heart-felt topic to me. I believe that righteousness is an attainable goal, even though it is a hard one.  I believe that righteousness should be the principal cause of every action; a beginning and an end. Righteousness is God. When I look for him, I am looking Today, we have discussed a very difficult topic in one of my classes. There has been exposed one of our human weaknesses: selfishness. Thus, a question comes to our minds: Do people only act for personal gain? It seems that this might be a good statement. However, people may also act upon a sense that living in righteousness is good for everyone. Righteousness is formed by a mix of characteristics. Some of them are honesty, obedience, chastity, and diligent work. From these, we can observe an offspring of virtues: dedication, knowledge, perseverance, and clarity. These attributes can be harvested into our lives when we are followers of righteousness.